
Our Story

Blagile is an online community with one clear mission; we’re dedicated to elevating and amplifying Black and Brown voices in Agile Technology. 

For many Black and Brown technologists, corporate spaces are tricky. With them holding approximately 3.3% of all executive or senior leadership roles, which are defined as within two reporting levels of the CEO, according to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, we’ve found there is little space to turn for support. It’s time for a change.

We value community over competition and want to see every Blagilist to craft their own come up. Success shouldn’t be a secret. Our Blagilists and advocates are dedicated to openly sharing tips, tools and things we’d never do again on the journey of transforming organizations across the globe.

Many new Blagilists land on tech teams without the organizational or professional tools to truly be successful. We’re here to help.

Meet Apriel


Apriel Biggs is the founder of Blagile. A bridge builder, door opener and purpose activator,  Apriel is known around the way as the transformer…of organizations, communities and individuals.

Her goal is not to change the world;  rather to change how Blagilists show up in it. She’s on a mission to help technologists navigate spaces not made for them in a way that honors what they are without compromising who they are. With experience leading various sized technology transformations in Manufacturing, Aerospace, Commercial Real Estate, Academia and Start-ups, Apriel offers a clear strategy and path to success regardless of where you are on your Agile journey.

She is committed to creating opportunities for Black and Brown technologists to be seen, heard and respected within the broader Agile communities.

Meet the Crew

Let’s face it, we all need someone. At Blagile, we’ve teamed up with a team of superbly dope Agilists to help you craft your own come up. The Crew is our advisory board and keeps us focused on the journey ahead and connected to a broad and expanding community. 

Cherie Silas

Brandon Raines

Jesse Fewell​

Chris Lewis

Lisette Zounoun

Sharmon Noel

Alicia McClain​

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